Our company here in LATVIA does small volume, but VERY FAST full-cycle production and assembly of glass packages. We specialize in individual and fast service. We work with glass suppliers of AGC and PILKINGTON. Our customers are basically small carpentry, various window manufacturers, building managers, summer house manufacturers and private individuals.
If the customer needs an urgent glass package, he can safely drive to our factory, and We will produce it in 1 hour time, of course prior to coordinating the costs and time with the production manager remotely. In production, we use two-component POLYSULFIDE sealant, SILICONE sealant, as well as the so-called HOT MELT hot glue, which allows the package to be transported and installed after 30 minutes from the moment of production.
Available on site We have a wide range of glass of different thicknesses (3mm; 4mm; 6mm; 8mm) in our warehouse, as well as a large glass range of types (Selective with soft coating, tinted, decorative, Triplex safety, reinforced, solar reflective, glass with structure, colored glass, etc.). It is also possible to order tempered glass packages, the deadline for their production is 2-4 weeks.
We manufacture non-standard shaped glass packages (arch, trapezoid, completely round figure, triangle, glass with a hole for the outlet of the ventilation or conditioner pipe, etc.).
Speciāla iekārta ļauj skaisti izvalcēt stikla rāmīti, lai Mēs varētu uzražot nestandarta formas stikla paketes un tās izskatītos mūsdienīgi.
Ražošanā pamatā izmantojam CHROMATECH ULTRA siltās starplikas, kas ir populārākās un vienas no kvalitatīvākajām Eiropā un Latvijā. Šis materiāls uzlabo stikla paketes siltuma īpašības, uz logiem mazāk veidojas kondensāts. Ir pieejamas dažādās krāsās (Gaiši pelēks Ral 7035, Melns Ral 9004, Pelēks Ral 7040 u.c citas uz pasūtījumu) un izmēros (6mm-24mm). Mūsu noliktavā lielais klāsts silto starpliku ļauj izgatavot stikla paketes ar kopējo biezumu sākot ar 12mm līdz pat 70mm. Ir pieejamas arī vecā tipa sudraba krāsas alumīnija starplikas no PROFILGLASS ražotāja 6mm – 27mm platas.
Pašlaik viss populārākās un nu jau varētu tiek ka par mūsdienu standartu sāk palikt paketes ar trīs stikliem, kam ir ļoti augsta UW vērtība pat 0.5 Ug. Noteikti neiesakām vairs likt plānās vienkameru stikla paketes, jo tām siltuma vērtība ir ļoti vāja un uz tiem vairāk veidojas kondensāts, arī skaņas izolācija šīm paketēm būs ļoti švaka. Ilgtermiņā silta un kvalitatīva stikla pakete Jums ieekonomēs naudu uz apkures izmaksām un ļaus dzīvot komfortā.
Contact our specialists and get a free offer for the production of glass packages:
Production and delivery of glass packages

We work with "Rehau" (German quality) technologies

Working time:
Production, accepting orders:
Monday - Friday: 8.00-17.00
Urgent window repair, glass replacement:
24/7 without holidays